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Wash laundry games for girls 9.9.5
Hello, today is a sunny day and we believethat it is a perfect day to get out in the park with friends. Thegames which that are held in a pretty park are interesting but arevery relaxing for space is high and the air is clean becausesurrounding are a lot plants. Many kids want to go to the parkbecause there are slides, swings, sand pits where they can jump andvarious toys but we do not forget that there are also many childrenwho can become playmates. If you are a kid who likes outdoor gamesthen this kids game is perfect for you because through the game youwill be able to help our little girl, Aisha because her friendsdidn't come to play with her and at end of the program play youwill have to help her to wash her clothes because now she has dirtyclothes. It is important to pay attention to how you handle thingsbecause we do not want to see a sad girl. Today, your role is tomake happy our girl Aisha.Good luck.Be sure to follow all instructions and you will get thanks!1) At first you will meet Aisha in the park, there she will needyour help to have fun. Be sure to respect her wishes. Most shelikes to jump so be careful;2) The play time is over and it is time to help the girl to washclothes. For the result to be the one expected you have take careto sort clothes;3) Now is the time to add in the washing machine: clothes bleach,detergent for clothes and fabric softener final. Over severalminutes the clothes will be clean.4) After you have washed the dirty clothes is time to stretch themto dry. To do this you have to use your hands;5) Now all the clothes are clean and dry but be ironed. To do thisyou have to use the iron which is near the ironing board;6) Aisha is very happy with the way you help her, now needs you toprepare to come to play with her friends. For began you will haveto makeup her, apply: lipstick, eyeshadow, blush and mascaracheeks;7) The best part is to choose the most beautiful outfit andaccessories to match the outfit.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother washing games, girls games and games for girls to put yourskills to the test.Thank you for help, you are a good friend. You can return tohelp Aisha anytime through this game for girls.Have fun!
Newborn Baby Bed Time 6.7
Hi, we all like little children, they are verybeautiful and playful, children can make us more beautiful day.Today through this game you can have fun and make new friends.Surely you're a good kid and you will be able to do everything youneed to be able to complete this beautiful mission. Mission we aretalking about is special, it is a mission that will help you testyour skills. You will be able to take care of the baby of a goodfriend, she recently born and today will bring home baby.Certainly you will like to take care of the little and you becomehis friend through this game to care babies.For everything to come out exactly as we planned you will have topay attention to details.Follow all instructions of the game.Good luck!- In the beginning you will know child;- He is looking forward to meet you;- First you have to fill the tub with warm water;- Wash child with a special shower gel;- Use soap for delicate skin;- Wash her hair with a shampoo for children;- Dry hair with a towel;- Girl wants to eat;- Give her favorite food;- Turn on the light;- Change the diaper;- Apply baby powder;- If she cries you will have to sing a lullaby;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Decorate the room;- The girl is very happy, you are a good friend.Thank you for help, please come back daily through this game forgirls.Have fun!
Pool Dolphin Show 7.1
Hey, how are you? Do you want to have fun withus through this kids game? Do you want to have a beautiful day? Doyou want to do a wonderful thing? If you want to have fun with ushere will you get this. You will love this game for kids. If youget bored and you want to go to a beautiful show you'll be able todo this only through this game for girls. Today you'll have animportant role, you will work at a dolphinarium, you can train thedolphins, you can play with them, you can make people smile andeven you will can make friends. This dolphin care game is verybeautiful, you will feel like you're at a real aquarium anddefinitely you have all the skills to finish this beautifulmission.We are glad that today we had the opportunity to meet you, surelyyou're a good friend and you will do everything you can to help usthrough this kids game.Follow all instructions game.Good luck!- In the beginning you will find two boys who enjoy because theyhave aquarium tickets;- They are happy because today they can have fun in a park and willsee dolphins;- Daniel wants to eat something and you have to help him;- You will know Pipo, this is the most beautiful dolphin;- You will love to watch him and to help him;- While playing a helicopter appears and hurt him;- Wash the dolphin;- Clean the pool;- Gather all the garbage;- Now dolphin wants to play;- He will play in the pool;- Most likes to jump through a hoop;- Now you must give some food to the dolphin;- Daniel loves to watch dolphins they are his favorites;- Pipo is hurt and now and you have to treat him;- Disinfect wounds;- Apply the ointment;- Bandage wounds;- Check the heartbeat;- Dolphin feels good;- You did a great job.Thank you for help, please come back every day through this gamewith dolphins.Have fun!
Mountain Summer Camp 7.1
Hi, holidays are very beautiful, we all liketo walk, we all like to know people who love traveling and we alllove to accumulate more information. The biggest holiday is thesummer, when all children have holidays and enjoy leisure time.This summer we thought it would be a good idea to go to a camp inthe mountains. The mountain air is very healthy and will definitelythe stay here will be wonderful. You will be able to have fun withus, you you can make friends and even'll prove to everyone that youare a responsible child. Our little girl is happy because she isgoing to go to camp, she wants to have a perfect holiday.Through this mountain camp game you can go to a mountain, you canenjoy this mountain and the cold air.This kids game is very beautiful, you can relax and even you willbe able to learn the tricks of survival in the mountains andforest.Follow all instructions of this game for girls.Good luck!- In the beginning you will see the bus leading to thecamp;- You'll have to arrange luggage;- Mary is happy, she is in the car;- She wants to listen to music and drawing;- The road is not very long;- The bus broke down;- You'll have to fix it and wash it;- Use all the utensils needed;- Wash with a special detergent;- Mary reached the mountain;- You have to install the tent;- To eat she has to catch fish;- You should take the fish and placed them on the grill;- Wait a few minutes and the meal is ready;- While Mary was cooking was injured;- She needs care;- Disinfect the wound;- Apply a special ointment;- Bandage the wound;- Young feels good and can enjoy the mountain;- You did a great job.Thank you for help, please come back through this game.Have fun!
Celebration christmas games 7.6.3
Hi, what could be better than celebrating yourbirthday on Christmas? Of course such a coincidence is wonderful.Christmas parties are the best. We want to organize for our son themost beautiful birthday party. Do you want to help us to organizethis party? He wants to help him to decorate the entire house anddo not forget the most important element which is Christmas tree.Our boy is called Jimmy and is a very good boy and that is why hewants everything to be very nice when Santa Claus will come.Through this Christmas game you will have the opportunity to provethat you are a good help for a child.This kids game with Santa Claus will help you to make a newfriend.Follow all instructions of this game for kids and you will surelybecome the best friend of ours.Success!1) At first you have to help the boy to decorate the room, haveto choose curtains, new carpet, flooring, new wallpaper, furnitureand tree. The tree should be decorated very nicely.2) Now you need to decorate the tree outside, choose the mostbeautiful facility, the finest globes and ornaments. Finally youmust sit the presents;3) Decorate the house with the most exquisite ornaments;4) It is time to make a snowman together, choose for him theperfect scarf, cap, branches for arms and a few vegetables toarrange his face;5) Jimmy wants to eat, he needs you. On the table you will findeverything you need. He wants to drink hot chocolate, he wants eatchocolate with nuts, cookies and other cakes;6) The boy wants to play on the side, please be careful not toinjure;7) Jimmy wants to fish, teach him how to prepare rod and what to doafter this;8) The child is very happy, he had the most beautiful party.Thank you have chosen today to help us, you are a very good kidand you can return anytime you want to help us through thischristmas games .Have fun and Happy Holidays!
Baby in Nature Cooking Games 7.9.3
In this game you have to help Daria to cookvery healthy in nature. She does not want to waste the apples soyou asks you to help because it is not doing so well. First youhave to pick some apples from a tree and put them in this basket.You should clean a watermelon and cut it then you have to cut anapple peel to clean. Put apples in a dish where we add a littlecocoa, sugar and a little butter. Then you must make a watermelonjuice that I have prepared and we can into a glass and then we takegreat apple cake and we are getting out in nature. Little Daria isvery happy that she can eat something very natural. Please tryother games for girls and cooking games in our class to see ifyou're doing as well as you did before.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Tuna Burgers Cooking Games 8.5.1
In this exciting game you have to prepare somevery delicious burgers beacuse the summer carnival is coming and wemust prepare for this field. First you have to cut some onion veryfinely, then we cut some celery and two red. You must put onion,celery and tomatoes in a bowl and add mushrooms, olives,mayonnaise, chili, two eggs, a little salt and pepper. You need tomix the contents for 10 minutes to bind and to be able to preparemeat burger. After mixed, however, have to stuffing in therefrigerator then you have to put the buns on fire to fry them alittle. We have to put the pieces between two slices of bread, wecan add some lettuce or tomato or what gives us pleasure. Thank youfor your help and invite you to choose and other games for girlsand cooking games made by us to test your skills in this game.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Ironing dresses girls games 10.7
This week, all the stars make a tour of thecountry. On Friday a few celebrities come to our city so we mustprepare, but do not know how to do this. We need to clean clothes,put them to dry and then see which are beautiful and are good forthis event. Unfortunately I can not do this alone so I need yourhelp. In this game you are the person who will help these girls todress well and to work for them.1) First you have to look all the dresses and clothes in thehouse, then we sort on white or colored.2) then you have to wash all the clothes and put them outside todry.3) after dried clothes, you have to go in the room and they tramplethem all to look great and to get rid of them cute.Normally our work has ended, but we have to help these girls todress and feel good in this very special event in their lives. Youhave to help them make a few accessories such as a bracelet, anecklace, a pair of earrings or a wreath. Thank you for your andinvite you to come back to play another ironing games from gamesfor girls category
Beauty spa princess games 8.2.3
Hi, is great joy in the kingdom of a greatking. The King reigns for a long time and is loved by all hissubjects. King has a beautiful family, the two daughters are thegreatest treasures oh him. Today we give a big party in honor ofKing and the eldest daughter failed to prepare for it because shewas responsible for organizing party. She needs a girl who canbecome friends and who can help her in a short time. Do you want tohelp her through this makeover game for girls? If yes then youshould know that our salon is yours today, you will work full timeand your first client will be Princess Anais. She is sure that youwill be able to help her and she is waiting to see theoutcome.Success!1) At the beginning of the princesses game you encounter thebeautiful princess;2) She will tell you what problems she has and you will have tohelp her with all you can;3) You have to start with a special facial treatment, apply anexfoliating gel to clean to dirt, apply a mask of plants that helpher skin to look healthier, cream of green tea will help the girlto be brighter and finally apply a cream that will make darkcircles disappear;4) Remove spots and acne with a device;5) Clip the eyebrows;6) On the skin of the eye area you must place slices of fruits andvegetables to regenerate skin in the eye area;7) The most fun is when you can choose the type of makeup, you canchoose any color you like. You have to apply: contact lenses,mascara, lipstick, eyebrow pencil to outline, eye shadow and powdercheek;8) To be the prettiest girl at the party will be present to helpher choose the best dress and accessories the brightest;Thank you for your help, the princess is very pretty andcertainly she will meet the chosen one today at this party. You canreturn to help her through this makeup game with princesses.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother girls games and games for girls to put your skills to thetest.Enjoy!
Mommy Kids Cleaning Helper 10.3
Hello, welcome, for a long time we are waitingfor you. Daily we need the help of friends and today you're here toassist us and also for have fun very well with us. Today you willbe our best friend, you will have a beautiful mission. You willneed to help us through this cleaning game for kids. Today you willhelp a mother, this is tired and you will help her to be veryhappy. Want to help her? If you want to help us you'll be able toprove to everyone that you are a diligent and very responsiblechild. Through this game for girls you'll be able to make friendsand you may even test your abilities.For everything to come out as we planned, please be careful atevery detail of this game for children.Follow all instructions of this game.Good luck!- In the beginning you will notice how it looks the house;- You will enjoy the beauty of nature;- Now you have to go in the kitchen;- Collect food debris;- Clean the tablecloth;- Gather all the garbage;- Clean the floor;- Wash the dishes;- After you have cleaned up the kitchen you will have to clean upin the bedroom;- Fix the wall;- Clean the floor;- Clean dust on the furniture;- Clean cobweb;- Collect garbage;- Clean the window;- In the living room you will have to collect garbage;- Clean the dust;- Arrange furniture;- Fix the TV;- Wash the car and then you have to clean up the garage;- Arrange all utensils;- In the bathroom you have to clean very well sink andbathtub;- Use special detergents;- Wash the sandstone;- The whole house looks very good, you are a very diligentchild.Thank you for help, please come back every day to help usthrough this game.Have fun!
Chicken food cooking games 7.4.3
Hi, is approaching lunchtime and now we needto prepare a delicious lunch. We do not have very much time andthat's why we need you. Do you want to help us to cook lunch forour children? If you want to be our help today then you can do sovia this cooking game for kids. This game for children to is reallyfun, you'll be able to play in the kitchen and in the end to havethe opportunity to taste the best chicken recipe.For lunch to be exactly as we want, please be very careful how youcook. Through this cooking game for girls you'll be able to cook inthe most beautiful and well equipped kitchen.You will receive all the ingredients that you need to follow therecipe.Heed this game for kids.1) At the beginning of the game you have to get in ourkitchen;2) You will notice that it is very well equipped;3) Of course you'll be able to cook in these conditions so pleasestart preparing the most delicious lunch;4) First you have to prepare the ingredients that you need;5) Our friend Robert is waiting to help him;6) Turn the stove, place a pan over low heat and then add butter,flour, milk, cream, chicken, salt and pepper. Mix well;7) Close the cooker;8) Add the mixture into a bowl;9) Turn the stove, place a pan and then add butter. You have to frythe chicken pieces;10) Cut the chicken pieces;11) Turn the stove, place a pan over low heat and then add butter,oil, onion, garlic, mushrooms, parsley, salt and pepper. Mix with awooden spoon;12) Boil the pasta;13) In a large bowl you have to add: the first composition, peas,pasta, parsley and roasted vegetables. Add bread crumbs andParmesan cheese;14) The food looks very good and everything is due to a goodcook.Thank you for your help, you are a great cook and please comeback daily to help us through this cooking games for girls.Have fun and good appetite!
Babysitter Newborn Care 9.1
Hi, if you are here it means that we can haveconfidence in yourself that you will help us with everything weneed. We all know that when a child comes into this world we expecthim with happiness and this game will help you contribute to thehappiness of a family. Your mission is to help the young mother togive birth, then you have to consult her child and take care of himuntil his mother can do this. This kids care game will help you totest your skills that you have not had the opportunity to practicethem. You have to prove to everyone that you are a responsiblechild who can take care of a child. Through this game for girlsyou'll be able to make new friends and for sure you'll have funwith us.To lead the mission at the end will have to follow all instructionsthat we have prepared for you.This game has six levels and you will have to finish all justpaying attention to details.Good luck!- At the beginning of the game you will meet our friend who isgoing to give birth;- She needs you;- Surely you're a very good doctor and you can beginconsultation;- You have to check the blood pressure;- Check if our friend has fever;- Now you have to do ultrasound to determine the baby'scondition;- Do anesthesia;- The child was born;- Need to consult;- Check heartbeat;- Check weight and height;- Now you have to wash the child;- You have to sit him in the tub;- Use special soap for babies;- It's lunchtime and you'll have to give him some food;- Choose only healthy foods;- The child wants to see the bedroom, you have to help him to playthere;- At the end you have to choose the most beautiful clothes andaccessories;- You are a good friend.Thank you for help, please come back daily to help us throughthis girls game.Have fun!
Pineapple Pudding Cake Games 8.6.1
In this game you have to concoct somepineapple cupcakes and we need your help. You must help us do thisbecause you will like and you will be satisfied with the work done.To prepare these cupcakes we need eggs, sugar, pineapple juice,vanilla, flour, salt and milk. First you have to break the 3 eggsand beat them well with a mixer. Next we need to add sugar over thebeaten eggs then add flour, pineapple juice, vanilla and milk. Allthese should be mixed thoroughly for a few minutes to mix withother content. Content obtained should be put in a few cups cake inorder to get a good shape after that we will bridge a few minutesin the oven to bake. Thank you for helping us to make these cookiesand invite you to choose and other games for girls and cookinggames created by us to test your skills in games like this.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Kitchen wash games for girls 14.2
When we go to a palace to eat, we know verywell that many people congregate because you have to eat the wholekingdom, must eat servants but also those who are in charge of thatpalace. After you finish each person ate leftovers go to thekitchen and the dishes to be washed. There are many dirty dishes,and can not wash them alone. I need some help! In this game youhave to be the one who will help me and I will tell you how to washthe dishes and how to wash the kitchen to show month and bulb toturn on when a king and queen.1) First you have to wash down and clean all dirt, and takethings not avail.2) then you must clean all kitchen table and all things that are onit. You should clean the stove, oven, hob and everything.3) must dishwasher and put them in the closet to dry and to be usedlater.Mostly I'm done cleaning, but one thing left to do. You have towash away again, because as we all mess was made clean by. You haveto get your hands on a mature and start to gather all the dirt fromthe bottom to look better. Look, now, this kitchen is very clean.The king and queen will be pleased.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother cleaning games, washing games and games for girls to put yourskills to the test.Enjoy!
Mommy Kitchen Dishes 12.8
Hello. Today is my son birth anniversary andyou should prepare a meal very high when he will return fromschool. You have to help his mother make all the preparationsbecause it's hard to do it alone and needs your help. In this gameyou have to help his mother to eat, wash the dishes, putting themto dry, to have lunch and dress appropriately for her sonanniversary.1) help her to eat, to flourish and to have power in what isgoing to do.2) you have to wash the dishes by hand, because they are verydirty.3) the dishwasher will put the glasses and cutlery, plates and somenot so dirty.4) must put all the dishes to dry to be used later.5) after he finished food preparation, put the plates on the tableand prepares all dishes.6) your clothes were dirty, so we have to go in the bathroom andleave them there.7) go in wardrobe and choose the most beautiful outfit for my sonto celebrate.John came home and is very happy and excited to present preparedfor you. You did a great job and please try other games for girlsyou're doing very well.Have fun and good appetite!
Fast Food Cleaning Games 7.7.4
Hi, today is a day very busy, we have a lotthings to do did because that recently we opened a fast foodrestaurant that serve the foods that are easy to prepare, this isvery nice and even though it has recently opened we have manycustomers. Last night there were many clients and ate until morningand now the place does not look very well. We need you to be ableto do cleaning and to prepare everything for the other customerswho will come here. Through this cleaning game made for kids youwill be able to prove to everyone that you are a hard-working kid.We know that you are a responsible child and you will finish allyour tasks. This game will help you to test your allabilities.You have to pay attention to the details of this game forgirls.Follow all instructions of this game for kids.Good luck!- You will notice that the restaurant is very dirty and you needto start doing cleaning;- First you must gather the garbage;- Collect dirty dishes;- Wash tables and chairs;- Clean the floor;- Clean the walls and windows;- Do the washing up;- Use a good detergent;- Get rid of cockroaches;- Collect the garbage in the kitchen;- Clean water from the dishes with a towel;- You did a great job, you are a very industrious child;- Finally you have to redecorate;- Choose the type of windows and color wallpaper;- The restaurant looks great, you are a good friend.Thank you for your help, without you we would not be able to makethe restaurant look so good, please come back daily to help usthrough this game for kids.Have fun!
Spa salon games for girls 8.5.1
Hello, girls often go to beauty salons tobecome very beautiful. When they want to go to a party are morecareful and need the help of experts in the field. A good salonoffers the chance to meet another look that advantage you.It is important to know which salon to go to had nodisappointments. In this game for girls you have the opportunity tobe the head of a famous salon, many customers want to come here andthe list is very long. A youngqueen who is passing through town read in the paper about yoursalon and have decided to come for some pampering.You have to help her through this game beauty because shoe does notwant to wait very long at all, her time is limited and certainlywill be very happy if you get her with the first clients. Followall instructions because the queen is the most important client ofyours.1) First you will have to wash her hair, use her favorite shampoo,and apply a conditioner for long and straight hair and, finallyapply a moisturizing hair mask;2) After you have taken care of the hair of the young is the timeto prepare some facials masks. Apply scrub gel to clean her skin,moisturizing mask cream against spots, cream for protection againstcold or sun, finally placed on the skin of the eye area a fewslices of fruit and vegetables. After each application you mustrinse with warm water;3) Hair is very important, be sure to make her hair beautiful.First dry the hair, then comb it, spread it with board hair, cuttops degraded, create some curls with a curling iron, hair weavesat the end;4) Choose the most beautiful tattoo, a gorgeous dress and matchingaccessories.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother queen games, spa games and games for girls to put your skillsto the test.Thank you for your help, now the queen is ready for the party, shewill be the most beautiful.You can always return to take care of our queen through this kidsgame.Have fun!
Kids Foot Doctor Games 8.4
Today we opened a new clinic for children inour city. We should help children, to clean them legs, apply themnecessary treatment because they are very injured at legs. Todaytwo boys came to the clinic with some very large legs, and youreally need to help them, and to do so as quickly as possible. Inthis game you have to be the doctor that will help children, so wewish you much success. First you have to choose whose child want toapply the treatment, and then you can choose which part of the legyou want to consult first. For starters must apply a coat of sprayto disinfect foot wounds and scratches, then should you put an icecube on the bumps and bruises in order to improve and to get rid ofpain. Still have to wipe them with a sponge all traces of bloodfrom the leg to relieve pain and to set foot in a bandage becauseit is broken and must be fixed in position. After we finished withthe front leg must move on foot, the back. Must apply a coat ofspray to disinfect foot and then he must get all the thorns in thefoot because it causes unbearable pain. Then he must Masami littleleg, then we will apply a layer of cream to clean skin. It seemsthat the first guy is feeling much better, so we must do and thesecond. You have to do the same thing with the second patient,after which the boys will go back to play, knowing that they feelvery well and have no reason to anger. Thank you for choosing thisgame and invite you to choose and other games for girls online totest your skills in this care games for girls.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Puppy Care Games for Girls 14.1
In this game you have to arrange three dogsfor dogs festival that will take place in our town. First you haveto clean the skin, to wash them and apply them to a fur coatshampoo and face, after which we will remove it. After that we haveto apply a treatment, to cut their nails as they are very large anddo not want to hurt anyone during the festival. Then he must brushtheir hair, and give they a medicine to prevent the bactery. Stillneed to dress appropriately for a festival, so we'll give them someclothes for dogs. Have to choose a hat to show how beautiful, someaccessories such as a collar or slippers for feet and to choose avery colorful blouse for fashion between animals. If you liked thisgame, please try other games for girls or animal games.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
My Daughter Did Allergy 11.3
Mary is my daughter today need to plant someflowers in our yard, but after a short period planter, made anallergy and has to go to a hospital to tell him what to do next.Upon arriving at the hospital noted that there is no doctoravailable at this time. After several hours of waiting he noticedthat no one has received in the salon, so you have to help her, tosee what this little girl is not feeling well since. In this gameyou must be the person who will take care of this child, because wehave no doctor available at this time.1) First you have to help the flowers planted.2) after you have to bring to the hospital and wait for the arrivalof a doctor.3) go in the room and I take a bath to clean it of all dirt.4) must apply on the face a solution that will help us get rid ofthis COSI girls.5) then we will apply a layer of cream on the face to cureallergy.6) we will manage less oxygen because it can not breathe verywell.7) after he did well, we go home and we will continue to plantflowers.Thank you as agreed to help Mary because they could not reapucatplanters as was in great pain. We invite you to choose and othergames for girls to see if you're doing as well as you did in thisgame.Have fun!
Dad Caring Newborn Baby Games 12.1
Hello. Today is Saturday and my wife issleeping very well and do not want to wake up. I want to make asurprise but I need your help, how about you help me? All you haveto do is to prepare the baby, to make them bath, to clean, to playwith him and give him food before his mother to wake up becausethey want to make them a surprise. In this game you have to helpme, to be the one who will give me advice and I will do what I wantand I will love child.1) I need to wake up clock rang.2) now need to take baby bath.3) Preheat the food and put it on the table.4) The father has to go to the office, so we'll go with him and weplay there.5) The child is not feeling well so we'll go to the hospital.6) must apply a treatment because it is injured hand.7) after I got home have to sleep because it is tired.8) have to dress up and take him to his mother.Thank you because you wanted to be with me, I could not managewithout your help. I invite you to choose and other games for girlsin this developer to see other games and meet other people.Have fun!
Manicure salon girls games 7.5.3
Hello, girls want to look great, they arecareful how they dress, how they makeup, how they looks and evenhow they behave with others people. For a girl to look flawless sheneeds special care, to get adequate attention girls go to thesalon, there they receive some pampering.At the salon they can do many things that can help them be morebeautiful, for example, they can get a perfect manicure. If youlike to have the most beautiful and healthy nails, then this gamefor girls is perfect. You will have the opportunity to work in avirtual salon. You will have to do manicure to our young client, becareful to keep in mind and her desires. If she is hurt, pleasetreat her wounds. It is important to follow all instructions andthus the client will be very pleased and will return to yoursalon.1) First put ice on the wounds on the hands, apply a specialointment for wounds, disinfect the wounds, take off the thorns witha pair of pliers, apply a cream for scratches, then apply ointmentto treat the open wounds, for the wounds left you have to applythree patches and use a spray moisturizes for hands;2) After you have treated wounds on hands, you must do themanicure. Apply an exfoliating cream, then rinse with warm water,wipe with a towel, cut nails that are broken;4) Now it is time to give the nail polish, remove old nail polish,the new nail polish you have to apply very nicely and then choose amodel perfect for a summer day;5) After you have taken care of the nails is the time to choosesome accessories for hands. You can choose a tattoo.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother manicure games, nail games and games for girls to put yourskills to the test.   Thank you how you treat with our client, she is very happy.You can come back anytime through this manicure salon game.  Have fun!
Mom give birth to an angel 10.1
Tonight our best friend felt pretty bad and Iwent with her to the hospital. She is pregnant and this is probablywhy they do not feel well. The doctor told us that it does not carebecause it is sick so I have to get hold of a person who helps thedoctor to examine our friend. In this game you must be the personwho will help the doctor and the future will take care of thismother.1) First you have to manage them a glass of water to quench yourthirst.2) We need to check the temperature and to administer a drug toreduce it.3) after the baby was born have to give food for hungry.4) still have to play with the baby to sleep.5) must change his diaper and we tell a few stories.Thanks you agreed to help us today because without you we couldnot finish it birth and could not do other things to do.Good luck!
Delicious Burger Cooking Games 8.7.3
In this game you have to prepare a burger forfootball coach because it was made during a workout hungry andwants to eat something warm and good. So you have to take care ofthis, it pleases the coach to take training and be able to finish.First you have to cut the onion into slices as thin as possible andthen do the same with the zucchini. Still have to cut curd andsliced tomatoes all so thin as to be able to put them afterwardsbetween burger buns to form. You need to prepare the meat then wefry than to be crispy. As we cook and onions, that is much betterfried than raw. Then you must prepare the burger, to bring all theingredients on a table and start it consists. You need to put abun, meat, onions, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes. Coach thanks youfor helping him because he was very hungry. We invite you to chooseand other games for girls in this category to see if you're doingas well in this type of game.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Pregnant Mother Care Salon 5.1.2
Hi, all women are concerned about how theylook, they are always careful what colors to wear, what kind ofhairstyle suits them best and go often to specialized salons toreceive the care they need. A woman needs attention and she canrelax very well at a beauty spa. Here she gets all the care thatshe needs, massage helps to relax and makeup help her to look morebeautiful. Today through this girls makeup game you will meet ayoung who is pregnant, she wants to help her to prepare for animportant event. Do you want to help her through this game forgirls? If you wish to become her friend through this game forchildren you will surely succeed.Our friend is called Quinn and she is excited that today she willhave a new friend.Pay attention to all the details of the game.Respect the instructions of this game for girls.Good luck!- You'll meet the beautiful Quinn;- She has skin problems and you will have to start applying afacial treatment;- You will need to apply an exfoliating gel that will cleanse theskin;- Apply masks to make skin looks very good;- Apply a light moisturizer;- Remove spots and acne;- Clip the eyebrows;- Apply cucumber slices on the skin around the eyes;- Eliminates dark circles;- You have to help her to makeup;- Choose the right hairstyle;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Quinn looks great, you're a good friend.Have fun!
Mother birth a princess baby 7.8.1
Hi There. Lucy is a very beautiful woman andshould be delivered because it is time to do so. Lucy came to ourhospital where we will give private best treatment and where wewill feel very good. The doctor needs your help because it can notdo this alone and wants to help him.- We need to measure voltage.- Apply a layer of cream on her belly.- Make them belly-rays to see what state is your baby.- Need to take an injection to prevent pain.- The child was born.- Need to wash it well and take him in his room.- The room must try to make the best treatment.- She'll give a little milk to moisturize.- Need to dress well and then take him to his mother.Thanks you agreed to help us through this game and invite you tochoose and other games for girls in this developer because we knowthat you're doing well and you like this kind of games.Good luck!
Awesome Makeover Games 9.4.2
Stacy is late on the anniversary of hisgirlfriend. The party must begin in an hour and she is not ready.She wants to help with makeup because hardly has time and will takelong to prepare one in this area. Then have to choose a beautifuldress for the party and please hurry because we do not want to belate to the party and to upset her friend wonderful. For startersmust apply a layer of cream on the face, after which you will wash.Then apply a layer II gel on the face to moisturize the skin andclean it penru. Further should you put two slices of avocado on theeyes to moisturize and make beautiful eyelids. We need to eliminateall mow the front and then to a pension because it has a few hairson the face of a tangle. Then have to hair because it has time todo this. Then you must choose a perfect dress for this anniversaryand eventually put them some accessories, necklace, bracelet, ringor pair of earrings. Please try other games for girls in thiscategory to test your skills in this type of game.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Mermaid Makeover Games 12.1
In this game we have to prepare two beautifulsirens beacuse the festival is about to begin. This game contains 4levels where you have to clean the siren, mache her, to arrange theeyes and to pick a very nice dress for this and be worth any priceto win the prize for the most beautiful mermaid. First you have towash your face, to erase fine after that and removes all thepimples on the face. In the second level must apply face cream toclean skin then you have to wash and erases all traces of creamwell have stayed on the face. In the third level must arrange herbeautiful eyes, to do with the foundation, to apply a cosmetictreatment and removes all points on the face. In ultimu level haveto dress appropriate for a very famous festival so I have to choosea dress and arrange them less hair to be the most beautiful mermaidin this festival. Please try other games for girls from thisdeveloper to see if you're doing as well as you did before.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Mommy Wedding Bride Salon 6.4
Hi, weddings are beautiful and girls are mostexcited about these events. Today you will have a very nicesurprise, you'll be able to attend a wedding. Our friend is goingto get married and wants to be beautiful on this important day. Youshould do everything you need for everything to come out asplanned. You will learn beauty tricks and you'll be able to teachyour client what she needs to know about beauty ritual.We trust that you will make you very happy the customer. She isvery nervous and you have to pay attention to all the details ofthis beauty game for girls.Follow all instructions of this game for kids.Good luck!- The bride came to the salon;- You can start the treatment of beauty;- You will need to apply an exfoliating gel;- Apply a few masks to regenerate skin;- Apply a moisturizer;- Apply two slices of cucumber around of the eyes;- Rinse with warm water;- Remove spots and acne;- Now you have to makeup her;- Apply: contact lenses, mascara, lipstick, powder for cheeks,lipstick and eye shadow;- Choose the most beautiful dress;- Be aware of all the accessories that she wants;- You did a great job, you're a wonderful friend.Thank you for help, please come back daily to help us throughthis makeup game with brides.Have fun!
Sweet chicken cooking games 7.4.3
Hi, today at dinner we are expecting someguests are the same people that are coming in every week so everytime we have to prepare different meals. Today we decided toprepare a recipe with chicken. Sure will be a delicious dinner butwe need you because we do not have time to prepare themselves. Inthis cooking game you'll have to test your skills in the kitchenand show everyone that you are a very good cook. Must comply withall instructions of this cooking game for children to be a success.Please be careful because we want our guests to be veryhappy.We wish you success!1) At first you have to get the ingredients and utensils thatyou will need, they are: orange juice, spatula, wooden spoon,strainer, olive oil and a cup of water;2) You have to filter the pineapple compote;3) Put a pan on the stove over low heat;4) Put pineapple juice, orange juice, sugar, and water in a pan.Mix well;5) The composition of the above have to sit in a large bowl;6) To continue the recipe should you get the other ingredients,they are: oil, chicken and eggs;7) In a bowl you must add: flour, oil, water, eggs and chickenpieces. Mix with a wooden spoon;8) Put a pan on the stove over low heat, add oil in pan and fry themeat;9) The fried chicken pieces should be placed in a bowl, add pepperover chicken and pineapple juice. Mix with a wooden spoon.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother cooking games and games for girls to put your skills to thetest.Thank you for help, you are a good cook. You can come back everyday to cook for the children through this kids cooking game.Have fun and bon appetite!
Doll Makeover Dress Up Games 10.2
Our friend Chloe wanted very much to go withher at a beauty salon. Adjustments there, we were informed aboutthe procedures for beauty. The first procedure is that you have towash the hair and face then you have to remove the foam. Then wewill apply a hydrating mask for the face, we remove the mask withwarm water and we wipe his face. At the hearing will be beautybrows so Chloe to be the most beautiful girl you know. Next youneed to remove blackheads from the skin and add a fragrant scentthat will invigorate the airways of Chloe. In the makeup session,we'll paint the doll, we will choose a lipstick that is fit, we'llput some contact lenses that she will choose and we will choosesome earrings to match them. During the meeting we will choose anoutfit clothing to blame them best, to which we add a pursecollection. Thank you and hope you enjoy this beautiful games forgirls dress up clothes games category, and will expect other newgames.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
spa salon girls games 8.7.3
This little girl is ready to open its famousspa salon. Because it is the first day will open and there are manycustomers waiting, this girl wants to be the first to be applied tothe spa treatment. First you have to make them a bath, so we willwash your hair, body, and we will add some fragrant flowers in fallin the shower. Then must apply several layers of cream on the faceto moisturize the skin and relieve it ugly pimples and blemishes onthe face. Must apply an eye cream and to put two slices of cucumberon your eyes, then we will be able to remove pimples on your faceto look gorgeous. We need to choose the lens, to make them hair toarrange them very well face, she put some accessories, a Latisse, abracelet, a pair of earrings, a ring, to choose the dress, a pairof shoes, and However we do to look great and be proud of thebeauty spa that will change the appearance and make you morebeautiful. Thank you for choosing this beautiful game and inviteyou to choose and other games for girls online to test your skillsin this type of game.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Cooking salmon girls games 7.9.1
Hi, today we expect to come to visit us somerelatives and we must do all the preparations in a short time. Wedo not have very much time and that's why we're asking you to helpus. Do you want to help us to prepare the most beautiful party? Ifyou want to help us we will be very happy. To help us you shouldhandle through this cooking salmon game. This kids game is verybeautiful, you will be able to prove to everyone that you're a goodcook, especially that you are the best friend that a person canhave.The recipe is simple and sure you'll manage to make our guestshappy.To be perfect this recipe please be careful with all thisinstructions of this cooking game for kids.Good luck!1) First you must get all the ingredients;2) Now you need to add in a large bowl the following ingredients:garlic paste, bread crumbs, cilantro, red paprika, olive oil, cuminand salt. Mix well;3) Cut both pieces of salmon fish;4) Once you have seasoned the fish you will need to sit it on aplate;5) Turn the stove, place a pan over low heat, add oil andspices;6) Place the mixture into a bowl;7) Now you must set the fish on a plate and then spice it;8) Once the fish is ready you must place the two pieces of fish ina pan;9) Wait until it is ready;10) Remove fish from oven;11) Place the fish on a plate and then seasoning as you want;12) The food looks great;13) You are a very good cook.Thank you for your help, you are the best friend of ours andplease come back daily to help us through this cooking game.Have fun and good appetite!
Grilled lamb cooking games 8.5.1
Hi, how are you? Do you want to do somethinginteresting today? If you want to do something amazing today youcan do this. Probably many times you have seen your mother when shewas cooking lunch or dinner. Of course you admire your motherwhenever she is cooking your favorite recipe because this thing ithappens to us when our mother was cooking our favorite meal. Todaydo you want to play the role of your mother? If you want to do thisyou have this opportunity through this cooking game. The recipe issimple and in our kitchen you will find all the ingredients thatyou need. Our kitchen is very well equipped and very beautiful,sure you're gonna have fun.We are sure that you will cook the most delicious roastedlamb.Follow all instructions of this cooking game for kids.Good luck!1) Get all the ingredients that you need;2) Place the bowl on the table and then you have to add: pieces oflamb, green beans, garlic, onion, oregano, salt, pepper, olive oiland mix well;3) Turn the stove;4) Put a pan on low heat;5) The spicy lamb should be placed in the pan;6) Wait a few minutes until the meat is ready,7) Put the pieces of lamb on a plate;8) Cut the peel of lemon;9) In a bowl you have to add: lemon juice, lemon zest, olive oil,salt, pepper and mint leaves;10) Add green sauce over meat;11) Now add few tomatoes12) Decorate as you wish;13) Lamb looks great.Thank you for help, you're the best cook. If you want tocontinue cooking for us every day we'll wait you through this gamefor kids.Have fun and good appetite!
Kindergarten Nurse First Aid 9.3
Hi, we are very happy because you have chosento visit us even in this day when we really need the help of a goodfriend. We are sure that you are the friend that we need. This gamefor girls will help you have fun well into this wonderful day.You'll be able to make new friends and certainly you will be ableto test your skills because today you all have a very importantrole, namely you will be doctor in a kindergarten. Here you cantake care of all children who need medical help. We are sure thatyou will do everything you need and maybe in the future even youwork as a doctor or nurse. Today you will be the best friend ofours and that is why we offer this opportunity to prove to everyonethat you are a responsible child.The mission will have a happy ending if you just pay attention toevery detail of this game.Follow all instructions of this game for girls.Good luck!- At the beginning you will know our friend who badly needshelp;- You have to do everything you need;- Our friend had an accident and now feels bad;- She needs medical treatment;- You have to disinfect all wounds;- Apply a special ointment for treating wounds;- Rinse with warm water;- Remove the thorns of wounds;- Gather leaves from her hair;- Treat wounds of the feet;- Disinfect all wounds;- Make X-ray to see if there are broken bones;- Apply a face mask fruit;- Rinse with warm water;- Apply cucumber skin around the eyes;- Choose the most suitable clothes.Thank you for help, please come back daily through thisgame.Have fun!
Dirty laundry halloween games 10.4
Now everyone is happy to have come Halloween,but some people have not done your home work and you can notprepare for this event. To clean a big house is not easy, and youmust have a lot of skill to finish quickly and do a good job. Inthis game you must help a person to finish cleaning your roombecause come the holidays and she has not done anything, it has alot of work. Follow the instructions and see if you can handle aswe thought of us as you will.1) First you have to arrange everything in the room, and putthem in their place2) then you must arrange to sort clothes and white or colored soyou can put in the dishwasher.3) The need to clean up on the floor, to wash, to polish the floorand arrange the shoes, boots and saunas as be made.After finishing this, you must go into the bathroom and washthese clothes, put them in the washing machine, and wait untilfinish washing. Then you have to get in the room, and they stretcha thread from the dryer that we have available. Thank you that youhave chosen to help us, and now you've made ​​someone happy andprepared for this event.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother washing games, hallowen games, games for girls to put yourskills to the test.Have fun!
Pregnant Mommy Beauty Salon 13.1
Hello. Julie is my wife and she have to givebirth soon, but before doing this she wants one last session at spasalon to feel better before birth and to try to look great. Icannot get into the spa salon because I am am man, but I'll let youtake care of my wife and to do please. In this game you have to beassistant who will handle it and that will help.1) help her to eat in order to go to the salon.2) then go to the store and buy all the products she wants.3) We need to wash your hair, then you're going to apply severallayers of fabric.4) to help her makeup to look better.5) We need to do your hair, then you're going to choose acrown.6) choose to dress as beautiful to exit the spa salon.Now my wife is feeling much better and quiet can go to thehospital to give birth to a beautiful baby. Thank you for takingcare of her and helping her to look than the pain caused bypregnancy. We invite you to choose and other games for girls inthis developer.Have fun!
Superstar Makeover Games 12.1
We present the game Super Star Makeover. Inthis game you have to help our friend Alice in a makeup session.Total makeup session consists of: washing the face, spa, makeup,and fashion clothing. The first stage, makeup, Alice must wash thehead with a shampoo for sensitive hair after rinsing the shower tothe hair, apply a cream of cucumber scrub for the face, and anabrasive sponge to remove surface skin to have a beautiful skin andsmooth. In the game where we go with Alice at the spa, you'll haveto hostels eyebrows to remove blackheads on her face to give it toinhale the fragrant flowers, and then we'll clear face with warmwater. In the makeup you need to apply foundation and makeup, tochoose the right lipstick for lips. In the category dress up, Ichose the most beautiful clothes for our friend, we can change hishairstyle and hair, give her some beads and give him a purse whichto match very well with the dress. We are trying to create as manygames for girls,makeup games and makeover games that will makeplaying them more often and with as much pleasureInstructions: Use your finger to interact with character
Pregnant Girl Fashion Show 5.9.3
Hi, we are glad that you are here, it is abeautiful day and the arrival of a friend can do only one day morebeautiful than it is. Surely you know how important are friends. Weknow that you are an industrious child, dutiful and responsible andwe know that this game will make you very happy. You will be ableto make friends and even you'll be able to test your abilities.This game is great and you'll be able to find beauty tricks becauseDaniela wants to help her to prepare for a date with her bestfriend.If you are bored this game is exactly what you need and we are verypleased that you have chosen today to be with us through this gameto care for babies. With this game you will meet a young girl whois always concerned about how she looks. She is always attentive tothe way that she dresses but since she knew about her pregnancy herpriority became her baby.Follow all instructions of this game for girls.Good luck!- At the beginning of the game you will meet Daniela;- She has serious problems with skin and she is waiting for you tohelp her;- You will need to apply an exfoliating gel that will cleanse theskin;- Apply masks to make skin looks very good;- Apply a light moisturizer that will help the face;- Remove spots and acne;- Clip the eyebrows;- Apply cucumber slices on the skin around the eyes;- Eliminates dark circles;- You have to help her to makeup;- Choose the right hairstyle;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Daniela looks great, you're a good friend.Thank you for help, please come back daily to help us throughthis game of beauty.Have fun!
island fairy girls games 8.7.3
Fairy Pearl saw that her land is free. It wasdecided to build a house there for her and her friends. It comeswith the idea of ​​building homes, but can not do this without yourhelp. In this game you must help the Pearl to build a house thatwill live a long time to come. First you have to clean the areawhere the house will be built because there are many dirt and Pearlwants to live in a beautiful place. Then you must sit down housesand from the other part of the land, to have more space to garden.Then you have to make some holes where we put the seedlings to growsome flowers. You need to put two kinds of seedlings, green andblack. After that you have to help create a fountain, where you canbuy water for her flowers or her when you need it. Next we need tobuild and house for her sister, who will build the house closer toPearl. You must clear the land, to conntruim houses and dig and afew pits to plant pumpkins and strawberries. After that you have todo a puzzle and play little Pearl. Thank you for choosing this gameand invite you to choose and other fairy games and games for girlsto put your skills to the test.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Parents room cleaning games 12.5
Usually during the holidays, all the housesare beautifully arranged and very clean. These days, Christmas,must do clean in every room and we pretty much work. In this gameyou have to help the little girl to clean because her parents hadjob in another city and are away from home. She remained single andreceived a very important task to her parents, and that is to makethe house clean. We need to help, and to give the best of us tomake a house clean and organize everything better and morebeautiful.1) First you have to choose which room we want to startcleaning.2) need to take all the rubbish in the bin and to arrange the cardsin rooms, to put in place all objects3) then we have to change the sheet on the bed and clean thecurtains.Thank you for helping to clean the rooms. Next you need to do inthe rest rooms clean because parents when they return home to behappy with the job done by us and not do anything. This game is newand interesting, which will highlight the observation that you haveto think where it would be put all things and have put them in thatplace, in a position or correct formEnjoy!
Feeding Newborn Baby Games 11.1
Mary is our neighbor today gave birth to abeautiful child and very healthy. The nurse who should handle thisbaby had to go home because her family has some problems and mustsolve. Mary called me to go to her to the hospital to have littlecare of this baby because she can not be in another room. I do notget along very well, so I in my turn and I need some help. In thisgame I would ask you to come help me, tell me what to do and how todo it is the first time you have to take care of a baby.1) First you have to delete them tears and check itstemperature.2) then you must make them an injection and to manage a spoonful ofsyrup for colds.3) still need to make them a bath because it is less messy and youmust make them feel good.4) The baby was hungry, so we will prepare less food. We need towarm milk and put it in a bottle so you can drink.5) then trebiue to make them a fruit juice, so we mix apples,peaches, bananas and a pear, and we put in a mixer.6) have to give food, so we put everything we have prepared a tablebefore.7) After we finished eating, you need to dress your baby could leadto his mother. Choose the most beautiful clothes and those that fithim.Thanks you want to help me in this game because I knew how to doeverything and I have the experience to take care of babies. Weinvite you to try other games for girls in this developer to helpother children and to take care of others.Good luck!
Rainbow facial makeup games 6.9.3
Hi, all the girls want to go to a beauty spato relax and become very beautiful. In this beauty game for girlsyou will meet Sophia, she is a young girl who wants to come to yoursalon spa to receive the care that she needs. Please treat ourclient very well, she is a great girl and wants to look good inorder to go to fundraising for a gym. This game for girls you willlike very much, will give you the opportunity to prove that you'rea good friend.Follow the instructions and Sophia will be very happy, she will bevery beautiful at the party and everything will be because of you.This game for girls you will like very much because it has a greatsetting, there are all the colors you can see the rainbow.1) At first you have to select all the utensils you'll need inyour salon spa;2) Now you need to apply a facial treatment which consists of:applying an exfoliating gel to cleanse the skin of impurities,application of face masks will make her skin to look great,applying a moisturizer that will make herr face looks great. Nextyou have to clip her eyebrows, to remove stains and remove the acnewith a device;3) After you have applied a great treatment for skin has to sitsliced tomatoes and cucumber on the skin around the eyes;4) It's time for makeup, you need to apply: lipstick, powder forcheeks, eyeshadow, mascara, contact lenses and you must choose themost beautiful hairstyle;5) The most awaited moment is the one where you have to choose themost beautiful outfit, watch what accessories you choose.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother makeover games and games for girls to put your skills to thetest.Thank you for help, you're a good friend and Sophia is a verybeautiful girl. You can come back anytime you want to help Sophiato look very well through this makeup game.Enjoy!
Woman Feeding and Care Twins 9.3
Hi There. Upon arriving home from thehospital, Maria has to take care of her children, to make them eatand play with them. But now as he returned home from the hospital,should continue its service, but not poatelasa their children athome. In this game you have to be a person who will take care offood, care and play, while Maria is at work. You have to be verycareful you do not please the children and let them cry.1) have to wake Mary and to prepare.2) you go in the kitchen and will prepare some eggs forbreakfast.3) call the children at the table and help them to eat.4) then you have to change his diaper and clean.5) The need to take a bath to be clean.6) and the two men dressed as Mary must come soon.Thanks you agreed to do this a place of Mary, and we invite youto choose and other games for girls in this developer to see ifyou're doing as well as you did before.Have fun!
Party Burger Delivery 8.1
Hello, welcome! Today we have prepared aphenomenal party, a day where you can have fun with us. For a longtime we have preparing something wonderful namely a party. Thisparty is special, you'll be able to help us to prepare it and thenyou can still have fun. For the party we want to please you help uswith everything we need. We need the help of a good friend andwe're sure that you'll help us. Through this cooking game for kidsyou will be able to prove to everyone that you are a reliablefriend. All your family will be proud. This cooking game for kidsis very nice, you will really like the decor and even certainyou'll be able to test your skills. Our friend is waiting for youto help her.For the party to be a success, please be careful to detail.Follow all instructions of this game.Good luck!- The party will be on the beach and you will definitely lovethis;- Three girls need you and you have to help them with whatever theyneed;- Buy all the ingredients for sandwiches;- Grind the meat;- Grind vegetables;- Enter all the rolls in the oven;- Wait a few minutes;- Cut rolls;- Mix the ground meat with vegetables;- Enter the mixture in the oven;- Now you can prepare the burgers;- Looks great and certainly are delicious;- You are a wonderful friend.Thank you for help, please come back daily through this game forgirls.Have fun!
Newborn Caring And Feeding 11.1
Hi There. Julie gave birth a few days ago andhave to take care of her child but our problem is that she is doingvery well and needs some help from you. Want to help Julie to raisetheir child and tell him how to do this? In this game you will helpJulie and you play a lot with her baby.1) you must gather all things baby and put them in abasket.2) while the child was playing in the yard to hit so you mustquickly go to the hospital.3) after you have arrived at the hospital must apply a treatmentthat child to feel better.4) weigh the baby and check them your height.5) The need to take a bath the baby to be clean and to feel muchbetter.6) change her diaper because it was dirty.7) We need to warm food and to prepare.You've done very well so we invite you to choose and other gamesfor girls in this developer to try to help other people and to dogood works continue.Have fun!
Babysitter Day Salon 8.2
Hello. I read these days there are many girlswho want to help you take care of your baby. These babysitters arehard to find, that we have spoken with one . It does not do well ,so we need your help. In this game, we invite you to be with her attimes when facing difficulties .1) you have to give the baby food .2) you need to wash it better.3) then you will remove all traces of water .4 ) must help his mother to makeup .5 ) will go out with the baby and you play with it.6) must choose the most beautiful clothes for the baby.Thanks you because you agreed to help us through this wonderfulgame for girls .Have fun !
Kids Room Interior Designer 13.1
Hi, welcome! We recently bought a house, wewant to have a nice house and very welcoming and for these thingscome true we need help. Our house looks very good but we need youto renovate the children's room. We know that you are a verytalented kid and you will manage to do a very nice room. You willneed to use all the skills to prove to everyone that you are a verygood designer. With this game for children you will be able tobecome our friend, you could play with us every day and willdefinitely come back every day. This kids room designer game isexactly what you need in this day, you will like to play with usand also to do something important. Our family will be very happyhere and children will want to meet you. If you want to become adesigner this game for girls will help a lot.Follow all instructions of this game for children.Pay attention to all the details of the game.Success!- At first you'll be able to see the house and establish whatyou have done;- You have to go into the woods to find the best wood forfurniture;- Now cut down the tree;- Cut the wood pieces;- Now you have to assemble wood;- Be very careful;- Then you must choose the most beautiful beds;- Arrange paintings;- Arrange carpet;- Choose the most beautiful flowers to beautify the room;- Arrange all toys;- Rooms look great, you are a good decorator;- You are a wonderful friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day through thisgame.Have fun!
Newborn First Medical Exam 8.3.1
Hi, we all like children, they can make usmore beautiful the day and soon our friend Abrianna will see howmuch happiness can bring a child in a man's life. She is pregnantand she will soon give birth, she is very excited, she wantseverything to be perfect. Your mission is hard but we are confidentthat you will be able to go through all the steps of this kids caregame for children. Through this baby care game you'll be able tomake new friends and even to play the role of a doctor. We knowthat you have skills that will help to make your family and friendsvery proud. You should follow all the steps of this game for girls.You must be attentive to the needs of the child.Follow all instructions of the game. Our friend is scared but weknow that you'll be able to do everything that is necessary for theyoung to be calm.Good luck!- Abrianna is in the bedroom, she sits on the bed;- She needs your help because she began to have pain;- Check if younger has a fever;- Check blood pressure;- Check heartbeat;- Make ultrasound to be if her child is well;- Now girl needs an oxygen mask;- You have to do anesthesia;- The child was born;- Now you have to check the child's weight and height;- Check heartbeat;- The baby is healthy and now you have to give him some milk;- If the child starts to cry you have to offer him a toy;- You have to choose the most suitable clothes;- Mother and baby feel good, you're a very good doctor.Thank you for help, you are the best friend of ours and pleasecome back daily to help us through this game.Have fun!
Princess spa christmas games 7.5.3
Hi, there are many Christmas parties and wemust prepare ourselves more time to look great. Girls are preparingharder, they need more time and attention in order to look great inevening party. Because girls want to look great they go to a beautyspa where they receive all the care that they need. Today you canhave your own spa salon through this game for Christmas and youhave a special client, a princess. Princess lives in a greatkingdom, she is good with all the kids and she wants to give giftsfor all children but she will ask you to take care of her to bevery beautiful. What do you think? You can be the friend ofPrincess Mia? If so then this game for girls embellished will helpyou prove this. Follow all instructions for the princess to be veryhappy with the result.Success!  1) At first you have to do a facial treatment, you need toapply: exfoliating gel that will cleanse her face of impurities,soften mask, moisturizer and cream to hide dark circles. You musteliminate blemishes and acne, at the end you have to put vegetableslices on the skin around the eyes;  2) Princess is very beautiful, she has a clear skin andbright so you can begin to makeup her, you will need to apply: eyeshadow, powder for cheeks, mascara, lipstick, contact lenses and atthe end you must choose the hairstyle more beautiful;  3) Mia is gorgeous, you did very well and now from hercloset you have to choose the most beautiful dress and the sparklyaccessories. Because of you children will receive gifts from the princess.Christmas will be very happy for all people. If you want to helpMia please come back daily through this beauty game for girls.Thank you for choosing this beautiful game and invite you tochoose other princess games, games for girls and christmas games totest your skills in this type of game.   Have fun and Happy Holidays!